after much contemplation and consideration, ive decided to give up the snooze button this year for lent. it may seem redic to many, but i literally snoozed 13 times on monday. i have a serious snoozing problem. i set my alarm early on purpose so that i can "slowly wake up." being that it was the first day of lent and my night was a little rough, i naturally snoozed. but just as i remembered about it being wednesday, i jumped right out of bed. i consider it a good start to changing myself for the better.
what are yall giving up for lent? i would just love to know :)
also, i love this so i thought i would share..
♥ lauren
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
fresh flowers. legally blonde the musical. the smell of my new body wash. matt nathanson. design blogs. pizzazz. softball games. good bras. a weekend full of fun. the weather. the beat by burberry. new lion shoes. neighborhood olympics. coldplay. scribble projects. tolerance. nude nail polish. robocops. chicken salad sandwiches. roommate love. good days for sunsets. my nifty box. perfect play lists. good grades. party decor. this little deer..
these are a few of my [current] favorite things.
happy tuesday.
xo, lauren

happy tuesday.
xo, lauren
Saturday, February 14, 2009
oh how i do love this day
lets see. ive had some pretty exciting valentines days in years past...
just in case yall wanted to see my cut. it went through my skirt!
sophmore year. actually, when i started writing this, i though the frame happened the first year and shopping was the second. i realized i was wrong through pictures. so i cant really remember what that valentines day brought in 2007. i probably dyed shannons hair or something. however, i can remember that cameron went out. i was only 19.
junior year. kacey and i thought we were real smart by getting austin and jimmy to go out with us. well, as out as we could go seeing as we were both still underage. we got dressed cute, and headed over to austins. jimmy and he were playing darts ha ha and seemed supprised that kacey and i looked so hot. then they realized it was a double date :) at dinner, im pretty positive that jimmy actually paid for austin? cause he owed him? kacey and i went dutch. and jimmy left his number for our waitress who then turned into jimmys gf. to top it all off, they boys headed to the square and left our single asses home. that was a good year too!
so now, senior year. well for starters, i work from three to close. so we should be getting a lot of valentines day shoppers in on the day of? then i will probably find myself at the square. i just cant wait to see was cupid shoots my way!
enjoy your day of love.
♥ lauren
freshman year. this one is rough. shannon, cameron, and i stayed up all night the night before valentines day to make camerons gf (at the time) a picture frame that was just too expensive to buy. and we just knew it would be fun/easy to make. like i said, we were up all night. because of the lack of sleep, (i think he also had a test the next day) cameron was more delierious than ever before, and also more annoying. he would not shut up. right before kelsey and him went to dinner, he had a crash. he claims that verrry few words were exchanged at dinner and it was pretty much a misserable time. meanwhile, shannon and i went shopping at the outlets, like always. i somehow fell and cut my leg while looking at the jewlery at charlotte russe. and i can remember cracking up laughing and making quite a sceen. if you can imagine that. afterwards we decided to take our single sleves to a nice romantic, grizzly dinner at dairy queen. probably only the third time ive eaten there in all my life. obviously it was a valentines day to remember.
the adorable frame, happy couple, and totally mainstream friend who helped both make it and break it . ha.
junior year. kacey and i thought we were real smart by getting austin and jimmy to go out with us. well, as out as we could go seeing as we were both still underage. we got dressed cute, and headed over to austins. jimmy and he were playing darts ha ha and seemed supprised that kacey and i looked so hot. then they realized it was a double date :) at dinner, im pretty positive that jimmy actually paid for austin? cause he owed him? kacey and i went dutch. and jimmy left his number for our waitress who then turned into jimmys gf. to top it all off, they boys headed to the square and left our single asses home. that was a good year too!
so now, senior year. well for starters, i work from three to close. so we should be getting a lot of valentines day shoppers in on the day of? then i will probably find myself at the square. i just cant wait to see was cupid shoots my way!
enjoy your day of love.
♥ lauren
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
for the past seven days, i have been having so much fun.
it started with wednesday: i went to dinner with hilary, whom i havent seen or talked to in some time. we had tons to talk about and were basically kicked out of chuys at close. we decided to start really taking advantage of how close we live to each other and to make dinner more of a regular thing.
thursday: instead of going to our normal happy hour at palmers, us girls (haha) met at grins for dinner and drinks. there were a few more of us than normal and as always, a good time was had by all. but really, how can you not have fun when margaritas are only a dollar?
friday: started with class and straight from there, becca, lauren, jill and i went to lulling, texas for our feild trip friday. not only did we eat bbq, shop, visit the school, and of course buckees, we also pretty much met jills entire family. and by they way, all look identical. at 3 i had to work. when i was cut, i met up with a bunch of people at the movies to see hes just not that into you. i was like 20 minutes late due to a pesky customer, but i still liked the movie for the most part. i will say, i just think of it like a romantic comedy and not as following the book. i seem to like it better that way. after the movie, 5 of us went to a very funny dinner then headed home to get dressed. we ended up going to our neighbors. needless to say, it was a loong day.
saturday: kaite and erin came in town to go to austin for staceys birthday. kaite and i went shopping while jessica and erin ate. then the two of us headed to austin to eat at chuys (i know, again) and then shop a little more. we met jessica and erin at our free hotel after valet parking for free. the four of us got dressed there and headed to the bars for our night. it was fun and a really cool atmosphere. and we ended up seeing like 8 people from high school :)
sunday: once we woke up, jessica and i came back to san marcos while kaite and erin left for cs. right when i got home, i started running my bath water (i looked a wee bit busted) when i realized that i had to work. ughh it put me in a bad mood since i had planned on laying around doing nothing all day.
monday: after classes all day, we went out to eat for mikes birthday. after dinner, becca, jill, lauren, whitney, and myself, had the worlds longest "pow-wow."
tuesday: nothing too exciting. class. lunch at jimmys. work. kaceys. you know, the usual.
and today: class all day. realized (actually jimmy realized) my car had been egged. carwash. dinner with whit. basketball game to cheer on my bobcats :)
..once i re-read that, i was bored. sorry. but its the best i can give right now.
and things to look forward to..
it started with wednesday: i went to dinner with hilary, whom i havent seen or talked to in some time. we had tons to talk about and were basically kicked out of chuys at close. we decided to start really taking advantage of how close we live to each other and to make dinner more of a regular thing.
thursday: instead of going to our normal happy hour at palmers, us girls (haha) met at grins for dinner and drinks. there were a few more of us than normal and as always, a good time was had by all. but really, how can you not have fun when margaritas are only a dollar?
friday: started with class and straight from there, becca, lauren, jill and i went to lulling, texas for our feild trip friday. not only did we eat bbq, shop, visit the school, and of course buckees, we also pretty much met jills entire family. and by they way, all look identical. at 3 i had to work. when i was cut, i met up with a bunch of people at the movies to see hes just not that into you. i was like 20 minutes late due to a pesky customer, but i still liked the movie for the most part. i will say, i just think of it like a romantic comedy and not as following the book. i seem to like it better that way. after the movie, 5 of us went to a very funny dinner then headed home to get dressed. we ended up going to our neighbors. needless to say, it was a loong day.
saturday: kaite and erin came in town to go to austin for staceys birthday. kaite and i went shopping while jessica and erin ate. then the two of us headed to austin to eat at chuys (i know, again) and then shop a little more. we met jessica and erin at our free hotel after valet parking for free. the four of us got dressed there and headed to the bars for our night. it was fun and a really cool atmosphere. and we ended up seeing like 8 people from high school :)
sunday: once we woke up, jessica and i came back to san marcos while kaite and erin left for cs. right when i got home, i started running my bath water (i looked a wee bit busted) when i realized that i had to work. ughh it put me in a bad mood since i had planned on laying around doing nothing all day.
monday: after classes all day, we went out to eat for mikes birthday. after dinner, becca, jill, lauren, whitney, and myself, had the worlds longest "pow-wow."
tuesday: nothing too exciting. class. lunch at jimmys. work. kaceys. you know, the usual.
and today: class all day. realized (actually jimmy realized) my car had been egged. carwash. dinner with whit. basketball game to cheer on my bobcats :)
..once i re-read that, i was bored. sorry. but its the best i can give right now.
and things to look forward to..
- feild trip friday in boerne.
- spending valentines day at work instead of the alternatives: citizen cope concert in austin, buying my first/second-if-you-count-bunnie cat so i have a nice collection by the time im 50, schlitting, or making countless memories with my longtime boyfriend.
- legally blonde the musical next weekend.
- our un-themed (so far!) party on february 27. plan to attend.
- the concert of a lifetime: miss britney spears!
- 4 weddings. one involving a trip to new orleans. one involving a trip to new york!!
keep the good times coming!!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
dont waste the pretty
young money..
i finished reading the book, hes just not that into you, and although it was brutal, hard-to-swallow, beyond honest, and almost even sad; it was also witty, personal, and definitely liberating.
gregs blunt advice on dating and understanding guys is exactly what wimpy women everywhere need to hear. even if you dont think your a wimpy woman, i guarantee greg will prove you wrong and then inspire you to go out there and get what you want and deserve because youre a catch!!
oh by the way, i think im a feminist now..question mark
each chapter has some clever/slightly rude little title like hes just not that into you if hes not dating you, or having sex with you, or if he is breaking up with you, or only wants to see you when hes drunk, etc.. and at the end of each of them, there is a checklist with things you should have learned in that chapter like, better than nothing is not good enough for you! or, theres someone out there that does want to have sex with you, hot stuff. ha ha.
okay so all im saying is there are a lot of lessons to be learned that seem so simple and obvious but when i really though about it, i was that girl. i was that girl who needed to hear it over and over again because it clearly wasnt sinking in. that i have no time to waste on the wrong guys because that will just keep me from finding the right guy. in the past, i have made excuses for guys that they sure as hell didnt deserve. im the type that cant stay mad because its so much harder than just sweeping it under the rug and moving on with all the fun. but i just cant do that anymore. greg and liz have opened my eyes. and now, i realize that i let guys get away with so much more than i should have.
not no more. i have been revitilized! and now i realize that he really is just not that into me. the best part is im not even upset about it because i know their is someone out there who will be that into me. i would much rather be with him anyway. i seriously wish i would have adapted this theory long ago..
need examples? hes just not that into you if hes constantly making you feel like crap. its not that a lot is going on in his life, or that he just had a bad day and youre getting the brunt of it all. no. its just that he doesnt care enough about you to treat you with respect. hes also just not that into you if you only get texts at 2:30 am (well because it is after midnight, they are technically "sexts" anyway) asking if you want to come over. and he definitely is just not that into you if he never calls or texts you at all. he didnt loose your number or drop his phone in the ocean, if he wanted to talk to you, he would. dont dare call/text him first. that would just be "despy" and pathetic. when he wants to get in touch with you, he will do all he can until he does.
i realize that it all sounds like one big game, but for some reason, reading the book makes complete and total sense. i am just not doing it justice. my apologizes. please, please read it for yourself!
anyway, like i said, there are many lessons to be learned and most of them are mentioned time and time again. but one that stood out to me seemed to be just a side note yet it hit me like a big yellow school bus; when people show you who they are, believe them. oh, and also, dont waste the pretty :)
and for your sake, do not waste your time on someone who continuously disappoints you in some way, shape, or form. chances are, he is just not that into you. and you shouldnt be that into people who arnt that into you. right? right!
so way off topic- i change my anwser. if i could live in any decade, it would no longer be the 50s. i now choose the roaring 20s. and i give all the credit to pop culture. although, we havent studied the 50s still saying 1920s.
xo, lt
i finished reading the book, hes just not that into you, and although it was brutal, hard-to-swallow, beyond honest, and almost even sad; it was also witty, personal, and definitely liberating.
gregs blunt advice on dating and understanding guys is exactly what wimpy women everywhere need to hear. even if you dont think your a wimpy woman, i guarantee greg will prove you wrong and then inspire you to go out there and get what you want and deserve because youre a catch!!
oh by the way, i think im a feminist now..question mark
each chapter has some clever/slightly rude little title like hes just not that into you if hes not dating you, or having sex with you, or if he is breaking up with you, or only wants to see you when hes drunk, etc.. and at the end of each of them, there is a checklist with things you should have learned in that chapter like, better than nothing is not good enough for you! or, theres someone out there that does want to have sex with you, hot stuff. ha ha.
okay so all im saying is there are a lot of lessons to be learned that seem so simple and obvious but when i really though about it, i was that girl. i was that girl who needed to hear it over and over again because it clearly wasnt sinking in. that i have no time to waste on the wrong guys because that will just keep me from finding the right guy. in the past, i have made excuses for guys that they sure as hell didnt deserve. im the type that cant stay mad because its so much harder than just sweeping it under the rug and moving on with all the fun. but i just cant do that anymore. greg and liz have opened my eyes. and now, i realize that i let guys get away with so much more than i should have.
not no more. i have been revitilized! and now i realize that he really is just not that into me. the best part is im not even upset about it because i know their is someone out there who will be that into me. i would much rather be with him anyway. i seriously wish i would have adapted this theory long ago..
need examples? hes just not that into you if hes constantly making you feel like crap. its not that a lot is going on in his life, or that he just had a bad day and youre getting the brunt of it all. no. its just that he doesnt care enough about you to treat you with respect. hes also just not that into you if you only get texts at 2:30 am (well because it is after midnight, they are technically "sexts" anyway) asking if you want to come over. and he definitely is just not that into you if he never calls or texts you at all. he didnt loose your number or drop his phone in the ocean, if he wanted to talk to you, he would. dont dare call/text him first. that would just be "despy" and pathetic. when he wants to get in touch with you, he will do all he can until he does.
i realize that it all sounds like one big game, but for some reason, reading the book makes complete and total sense. i am just not doing it justice. my apologizes. please, please read it for yourself!
anyway, like i said, there are many lessons to be learned and most of them are mentioned time and time again. but one that stood out to me seemed to be just a side note yet it hit me like a big yellow school bus; when people show you who they are, believe them. oh, and also, dont waste the pretty :)
and for your sake, do not waste your time on someone who continuously disappoints you in some way, shape, or form. chances are, he is just not that into you. and you shouldnt be that into people who arnt that into you. right? right!
so way off topic- i change my anwser. if i could live in any decade, it would no longer be the 50s. i now choose the roaring 20s. and i give all the credit to pop culture. although, we havent studied the 50s still saying 1920s.
xo, lt
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